Kangana Ranaut, who claimed Bollywood boycotted her, said Salman Khan has been fair to her. In a recent interview, the actress, who is preparing for her film Emergency, stated she was offered Kareena Kapoor’s role in Bajrangi Bhaijaan and Anushka Sharma’s in Sultan.
Kangana told Siddharth Kannan, “Salman offered me a role in Bajrangi Bhaijaan, I was like ‘Yeh kya role diya hai?’” What’s this role? I was approached for Sultan. I declined. “What more do I offer you now?” She added that Salman has been fair to her despite her rejection of his flicks.
“Salman is kind. He chats with me. Seeing Emergency excites him. Our common acquaintance sent him and said, “You go see what film she has made.” He called and said, ‘It’s a good film’. I said, ‘So you have the news, but you haven’t watched it.’ We bond like this, she said.
At the trailer premiere of Emergency, the actress said she wanted to direct all three Khans. She remarked, “I want to produce and direct a film with all three Khans. I also want to display their acting and beauty skills. They can also do something important to society. I want to make that film. I think they’re all talented.”