Deepika Padukone dined with Ranveer Singh’s family in Mumbai weeks before her due date. Her outfit was informal and comfy for the outing. Check out Mom-to-be While leaving for dinner, Deepika Padukone cuddles a fan’s child. Watch this lovely moment.
An expecting mom nearing her due date wore a cozy black outfit to a family meal. She concealed her baby bump in a long black dress with white heels and a black blazer.
She entered a Mumbai eatery with her mother-in-law under strong security. Deepika and Ranveer are having their first child. The baby is due September.
Ranveer and Deepika confirmed her pregnancy in February. The couple posted on Instagram that the baby is expected in September. It said “September 2024,” imprinted with baby shoes and clothes. Deepika and Ranveer, 38, married in Lake Como, Italy, in a small ceremony in 2018.
Deepika, Ranveer at work
The duo will reunite on film. Singham Again, Rohit Shetty’s ensemble cop drama, will star them this Diwali. In the film, Ranveer reprises Simmba and Deepika may play Lady Singham. They will star with Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor, Akshay Kumar, and Tiger Shroff.