During the month of April in the year 2023, Ileana D’Cruz announced her pregnancy on Instagram. In August, the star disclosed that she had given birth to her first kid, a son named Koa Phoenix Dolan, several months after the initial announcement. Ileana’s private life has been the subject of much speculation ever since the previous year. According to a number of rumors, she is married to Michael Dolan, who resides in the United States. The star has finally put an end to the rumors that have been circulating about her having a wedding by giving an interview to India Today.
Ileana D’Cruz discusses her feelings on her marriage to Michael Dolan.
During the course of the interview, Ileana D’Cruz did not mention Michael Dolan; however, when she was asked about the ways in which he had been supportive, the actor broke down in tears. “Married life is going beautifully,” she said, gushing about her connection with Michael. “It’s going wonderfully.” It’s incredibly difficult to figure out what it is about him that I adore the most. It will be necessary for me to give this a lot of thought since I get the impression that every time I think of an answer, there is something else that, you know, surpasses it the next day.
She continued by saying, “He has been there for me through my worst times, my worst times of all time.” In addition, he has been there for me during some of the most memorable moments of my life. From the very beginning, he hasn’t changed at all. Not only has he been a consistent source of affection, but he has also been providing this constant support. Interestingly, it is exactly the same as the conversation from Do Aur Do Pyaar, in which he appears on a daily basis.
The premiere of Do Aur Do Pyaar, Ileana’s first film in a number of years, took place on April 19, 2024. The film is about extramarital affairs, and it was directed by Shirsha Guha Thakurta. The actors Vidya Balan, Pratik Gandhi, and Sendhil Ramamurthy are featured in the film.
Ileana, who brought her infant son Koa Phoenix Dolan into the world on August 1, 2023, reportedly tied the knot the previous year, as stated in a DNA report dated 2023. In the story, the date of the actor’s wedding was revealed to be May 13, 2023, which was four weeks before to the announcement that Ileana was an expecting mother. A little time after the actor made the announcement that she had given birth to her son, the news was made public.