Shah Rukh Khan has again made India proud! The superstar received the Pardo alla Carriera Ascona-Locarno Tourism at the 77th Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland this weekend. This lifetime achievement award honors global movie pioneers. Fans were thrilled, and the fashion police liked the Baadshah’s black suit and long hair. However, a viral video of Shah Rukh on the red carpet with an older man stunned many netizens.
Trolls accused SRK of moving the man out of the frame for solo photos while the paparazzi snapped him after viewing this viral film. Many admirers have supported Shah Rukh, alleging that the man in the video is his old friend. One Twitter user said, “he is his old friend, there are many photos of him with that guy stop being jealous of king.” Another fan found an unseen film festival footage of SRK strolling the red carpet with the same dude.