New Delhi Entertainment Desk. Agastya Nanda, Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson, debuted in ‘The Archies’ in December. The Bachchan family loved his debut. Agastya Nanda is the son of Shweta Bachchan and businessman Nikhil Nanda.
Agastya’s new film, which he posted on Instagram, is making headlines. Nanda’s fans are pleased after this photo.
After ‘The Archies’, Agastya Nanda will star in ‘Ikkis’, as seen on his Instagram account seated on a chair with 21 on the back.
This film also stars Agastya Nanda, Dharmendra, and Jaideep Ahlawat. ‘Ikkis’ may be a war drama about Second Lieutenant Arun Khetrapal. He received the Param Vir Chakra posthumously. With this film, Akshay Kumar’s niece Simar Bhatia may make her Hindi cinematic debut.