Bollywood actor Aamir Khan has been rescued after being in a precarious condition for almost twenty-four hours in the midst of the floods that have been occurring in Chennai. While he was in the city, he was taking care of his mother, who was ill. Khan can be seen receiving assistance from the rescue officers according to the photographs that are currently circulating on the internet. Cyclone Michaung has wreaked havoc in Chennai, for those who are unaware of its existence.
In the aftermath of the floods in Chennai, Aamir Khan and Vishnu Vishal were rescued from Karapakkam. Vishal showed the rescue team some photographs.
Vishnu Vishal, a Tamil actor and producer, was also impacted by the floods when they occurred. Aamir was also afflicted. On December 5, Vishal posted a handful of images and an update on X, which was formerly known as Twitter. He also attached the update. Additionally, the photographs showed Aamir Khan seated in a rescue boat beside the Tamil actor and other others who had been impacted by the storm.
The tweet that Vishal sent out read, “Thanks to the fire and rescue department for helping people like us who are stranded. Rescue operations have begun in Karapakkam..” Observed three boats that were already operational. Congratulations to all of the administrative staff members who are working tirelessly. The Tennessee government has done an excellent job in these trying circumstances.
It is anticipated that the cyclonic storm will continue to increase over the Bay of Bengal, eventually becoming a severe cyclonic storm. The storm is now engaged in activity.
Getting back to Vishal, he is scheduled to appear in the film Lal Salaam, which is directed by Aishwarya Rajinikanth. Additionally, Rajinikanth will appear in the upcoming film in a cameo role that is quite lengthy. For his part, Khan was most recently seen in the film Laal Singh Chaddha. There was a lacklustre performance of the movie at the box office. An announcement of a sabbatical was made by Aamir Khan after the scandal. He is now getting ready to make a comeback in the near future.