There is no need to provide an introduction to the name Shah Rukh Khan. King Khan has not only ruled the silver screen with three blockbuster films known as Pathaan, Jawan, and Dunki, respectively, within the previous year, but he has also pushed back into the world of advertising with a fresh vigor. The charisma and allure of the actor have resulted in an expanding list of brand endorsements, which is a crucial step in the actor’s rise to prominence. The hero has surpassed Rs. 2600 crores at the worldwide box office due to the combined earnings of all three films, and he has maintained to maintain his position as the most successful film in the world.
Since the release of Pathaan in January 2023, Shah Rukh Khan has signed more than ten brand partnerships, establishing himself as the most powerful brand magnet for the industry.
Despite the fact that the celebrity has a long list of blockbusters and records at the box office, Shah Rukh Khan also dominates the world of brands by a significant margin. A total of ten different companies have been signed by the celebrity as of January 2023. It was only recently revealed that Shah Rukh Khan will be serving as the brand ambassador for the detergent company Tide. In addition to this, he has been an endorser for a number of different brands, some of which are Everest Spices, Rungta Steel, Sunfeast Dark Fantasy, FabriCare, the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup, Realme, Myntra, D’YAVOL X, and Ultratech Cement.
According to findings from a study that was conducted not too long ago by TAM Media Research, the celebrity has become the face of a much bigger number of advertising campaigns on television. Between the months of January and July of 2023, it was noted that SRK was endorsing a staggering twenty-one different products. This represents a staggering increase of twenty-four percent compared to the same time period in 2022 and an astounding thirteen percent increase from 2021. “King Khan’s” continued attractiveness in the world of advertising is demonstrated by this trend, which not only indicates a numeric growth but also demonstrates the trend. In a relatively short amount of time, the actor has been able to parlay his success at the box office into success in advertising.