Investigation into the April 14 incident outside Galaxy Apartments in Mumbai took another turn. A fifth suspect in the Salman Khan shooting outside his residence was nabbed by Mumbai Crime Branch. An accomplice helped Sagar Pal and Vicky Gupta, the shooters. Salman Khan House Shooting
Salman Khan House Shooting: Mumbai police make fifth arrest
Readers know the latter two were detained days after the incident. The newest investigation update, provided by ANI on May 7, illuminated this complex situation. The 5th offender in this case from Rajasthan, Mohammad Chaudhary, was apprehended by Mumbai Crime Branch, according to ANI on Twitter. He gave Sagar Pal and Vicky Gupta money and recced. Today, Chaudhary will be transported to Mumbai for court proceedings and a detention request.
The firing shook the nation, and Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde offered Salman Khan and his family considerable security. Despite evidence linking the Bishnoi family to the case, no arrests have been made.
The shooters Sagar Pal and Vicky Gupta and two arms suppliers, Sonu Subhash Chander and Anuj Thapan, were arrested. The two Punjabis were accused of arming the gunmen. His brother Abhishek Thapan suspected foul play after Anuj Thapan committed suicide in police custody.