Ranbir Kapoor added another luxury car to his collection. The actor drove a midnight blue Bentley Continental GT V8 worth Rs. 4–5.5 crores in Mumbai. Ranbir, who played Ranvijay in Animal, showed his fondness for Rolls Royces off-screen.
Ranbir Kapoor shows off his latest Bentley valued over Rs. 5 crores in Mumbai.
Car Dekho expects the Bentley Continental GT V8’s on-road price to be about Rs. 6 crores and its ex-showroom price to be Rs. 5.2 crores. Car has 3996-cc engine with automatic transmission, according to website. The four-seater petrol automobile has automated climate control, multi-function steering wheel, and anti-lock braking system. Paparazzi accounts posted videos of the actor driving around the city on social media. One reportedly had the Kapoor youngster assisting a beggar on the way.