Some weeks ago, Rajinikanth, the biggest star in Tamil cinema, started shooting his next movie, which is called “Thalaivar 170.” On October 25, he put a classic picture of himself and his “mentor,” Amitabh Bachchan, also known as “Big B,” on his official X page, which used to be called Twitter. Thalaivar finally got in touch with the person who had been there for him throughout his life after 33 years of being apart. For his work on “Jai Bhim,” TJ Gnanavel is best known. He will be directing the new movie “Thalaivar 170.”
RAJINIKANTH and Amitabh Bachchan are finally back together again after 33 years.
Star Rajinikanth filmed scenes for the movie Thalaivar 170 in Tirunelveli a few days ago. He was met by a huge crowd of devoted fans in both Kerala and Tirunelveli.
On October 25, Rajinikanth sent Big B a stunning picture of himself. ‘Annatthe’ actor wrote on the social media site X, “After 33 years, I am working again with my guru, the phenomenon, Shri Amitabh Bachchan in the upcoming Lyca’s “Thalaivar 170,” directed by T.J. Gnanavel.” I am so happy right now that my chest hurts!
Rajinikanth’s most recent movie was “Jailer,” which was directed by Nelson Dilipkumar and made over Rs. 650 crore around the world. After “Jailer” did well at the box office and with critics, he started shooting “Thalaivar 170” in Trivandrum, which is in the state of Kerala. He told the media that the upcoming movie will be a big-budget business comedy with a deep message.
The actors in “Thalaivar 170” play important parts. Fahadh Faasil, Rana Daggubati, Manju Warrier, Ritika Singh, Dushara Vijayan, Rakshan, and GM Soundar are some of them. The movie is being made by TJ Gnanavel under the Lyca Productions name. He also wrote and directed the whole thing. Composer Anirudh Ravichander, cinematographer SR Kathir, and editor Philomin Raj are some of the people who work on the technical team.